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Care for the Elderly Ward Dayrooms at Princess of Wales Hospital


Daring to Dream is currently working with the nursing team and Estates in the Care for the Elderly wards in the Princess of Wales Hospital, Bridgend, to transform both their patient day rooms.



With three wards and up to 70 patients, at any time, in their care, the creation of inviting, comfortable, warm, and safe dayrooms, is essential to enable the ward teams to support even better the physical and emotional needs of their patients.

Improved and inviting day rooms will enable staff to help patients engage in wellbeing activities, and to improve their social interaction over lunch or coffee or with their families and hopefully contribute to their patients returning home back in the community a lot sooner.
Our thanks go to the John Lewis & Partners Home Design Team in Cardiff, who have provided designs for us to develop our final plans from – click here to see their creative ideas (pdf).



Funding: The total cost of this project will be very significant; however we are making great progress in pulling the budget together and hope to start work this autumn.

Project costs will include triple glazing being fitted into both the huge bay windows, an air con unit in each day room, total redecoration, replacement of all ceiling and wall lights in both rooms as well as refurnishing and the addition of wall art and more.

Could you also help fundraise for these important rooms: You may like to perhaps run a sponsored 5km? Hold a cake sale? Simply make a donation. Whatever appeals to you to help our fundraising, please use this link to promote and gather sponsorship: Thankyou!

Grant application: as we complete the detailed project costs, we will then also submit a grant application.

The funding is a collaborative effort; so many individuals and firms have already helped us to make such positive progress. A heartfelt thanks to everyone; this is a great example of the power of working together.