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With our ‘pick-me-up-packages’, we are also giving a gift card explain about the packages. The cards are printed on seed paper and we want to share the planting instructions for everyone:

• In Spring or Summer, when it is warm, soak the paper in water and tear into small pieces

• Place in a pot of compost and very lightly sprinkle more compost on top

• Keep the soil and paper moist (but not soaking wet) in a warm and light environment

• Once your small plants have grown, place the pot outside or keep on a window sill that has lots of sun.

Nature is very fragile – please do not plant in the wild
Suitable for gardens and window sills only

Please visit for more planting tips:

We selected a very eco-friendly firm who use recycled cotton to make their paper. Each sheet is embedded with bee-friendly flower seeds. All their packaging is recycled and recyclable.