Daring to Dream is helping develop the Bluebell Room in Bronglais Hospital
Daring to Dream is delighted that the totally refurbished Chemotherapy Out Patients Unit at Bronglais Hospital, Aberystwyth is very close to being opened.
This is a huge improvement project for Hywel Dda University Health Board, involving many organisations and individuals, all contributing in different ways to this essential re-development, providing patients with the environment they deserve whilst living with cancer, having treatments, and accessing clinical and other support.
The contribution of Daring to Dream:
Having consulted with patients and their families, the team at the outpatients unit realised that the young adults living with cancer really need a space for themselves. A designated space to digest and discuss clinical updates, support each other, chat with a youth worker from the Teenage Cancer Trust and so on.
Such an essential #spacetotalk for young adults had not previously existed.
Hywel Dda University Health Board decided to set aside one room in the refurbishment of the refurbished unit as the ‘Bluebell Room’ specifically to provide that comforting and comforting ‘safe space’ to talk.
Daring to Dream has collaborated with them to provide the furnishings and resources in the room.
The Bluebell room under construction
https://daringtodream.wales/2024/10/02/daring-to-dream-ball-auction-2024/ and raised £6,000 to support this vital #spacetotalk!
‘Bluebell’ means ‘courage’ and one young man who courageously spoke at our ball and shared his experiences about living with leukaemia was Kai Thornton. Kai again shared some of his reflections about the emotional impact of living with illness during our ‘Making Space to talk about Emotional Health’
We wish for every young person who will use this ‘space to talk’ in the chemotherapy unit at Bronglais Hospital that they will move through their treatment into good health.
Thank you so, so much to everyone who has helped make this happen, helped us raise the money to contribute to the Bluebell Room for young adults living with cancer in West Wales.
Cenin Renewables, Valero, Bluestone National Park, The Inn at the Sticks and many others who supported all our fundraising at the Ball.
Watch this space for the photos once The Bluebell Room is opened.