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Recruitment of additional Trustees


The Board of Trustees of Daring to Dream, nearly four years since registration, have  established excellent foundations and progress for the charity.

Following a recent review of Board composition, it has been decided to seek two or three additional trustees with the knowledge, skills and expertise that would enhance the Board’s capacity to fulfil the strategic leadership and governance essential to Daring to Dream’s development.

The Board is also seeking a potential co-chair to recruit also

Are you keen to find out more?

If so, please click on the links below to download our Trustee Recruitment Pack 2024 and the Daring to Dream Trustee application form:

Daring to Dream Trustee Recruitment Pack 2024

D2D Trustee Application Form 2024

Daring to Dream – Strategic Development for Growth and Resilience

Daring to Dream – Making Space To Talk