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Headlined by Afro Cluster, Lleswyl 2024 remains accessible to everyone, for free, on our YouTube channel of the same name.

Lleswyl 2024 is:

  • “A wonderful watch!”
  • “I was really moved and impressed.”
  • “The balance of combining music and conversations worked so well and powerfully.”
  • “Lleswyl was a superb production.”
  • “It was entertaining, informative, educational, and polished.”

Everyone involved in the production of Lleswyl 2024 – Ratio Studios, all the hugely talented musicians, our hosts, and our guests together brought the vision of Lleswyl 2024 to reality on Friday February 23rd. What a night and what a watch!

As well as enjoying great music, we were delighted that Andrew Jenkins, known from the hit programme ‘The Traitors’, could join in as well, to help us explore the concept of ‘making space to talk’ for those living with illness.

Andrew chatted with our hosts and Dr Julie Highfield, consultant clinical psychologist from Critical Care in University Hospital of Wales about the emotional impact of living with illness.

As we evaluate our success and learning ahead of starting to prepare for Lleswyl 2025, we extend a huge thank you to Arts Council of Wales for their belief in and support of Lleswyl 2024 – we could not have done this without you.



Lleswyl 2025 will be Friday 21st February 2025 from 7pm