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We are delighted to welcome Lewis Gray as he begins a freelance contract with the Daring to Dream team. Lewis Gray has joined us, part time, as a virtual executive assistant, thanks to funding we have just received from the Postcode Community Trust.

The Postcode Community Trust recently awarded Daring to Dream an unrestricted funding grant of £11,700. We wish to thank not only the trust for allocating this grant, but also all the players who support their work by contributing to raising the funds that the trust then allocates. In these challenging financial times, their support is very much needed and even more appreciated.

In order to achieve our key strategic goals, Daring to Dream’s charitable activities need underpinning services, additional software and online platform fees, IT and professional services including administrative support, marketing, and communications. That was the reason for our bid to the Postcode Community Trust. So now, thanks to just some of this grant, it is wonderful to be able to welcome Lewis to the Daring to Dream team of contractors, in the capacity of a part-time freelance virtual Executive Assistant.

Lewis, 29, originally from Kent, is an experienced and multi-talented professional who brings many skills to the charity. He previously worked in the fast-paced logistics industry in a business support function, where he also studied for a degree in IT and he is excited to join the Daring To Dream team.

He said: “Although I have only been working with Daring to Dream a few days, it is clear to me that the charity has an unwavering commitment to its mission: to support the emotional health and wellbeing of adults living with a physical illness in Wales. I’m delighted to have the opportunity to work with such a dedicated team.”

Daring to Dream chair Barbara Chidgey said of Lewis’s contribution: “To build a resilient charity and deliver well on our mission of supporting the emotional health of adults in Wales living with physical illness, expanding our core services and team members is essential.

“Therefore we are so grateful to the Postcode Community Trust, whose grant has allowed us to begin a contract with Lewis, who comes with a wealth of experience and skills. He will help us to continue to work hard to deliver our mission in equal partnership with patients, their relatives, and the professionals.”

Lewis can be contacted at