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We recognise that many, many people live with ongoing and debilitating chronic conditions and also life-shortening conditions; we know that this is emotionally really, really tough.

sad face Therefore, we are developing ways to reach out and support outpatients who are seeking support for their emotional wellbeing.

One way we can do this is to connect you all to the extra help for your mental wellbeing that is available across Wales, online and over the phone. These services are safe, free and you do not need a referral, so just take a look and see what could help you today.

1. SilverCloud
SilverCloud is an online course which offers support for anxiety, depression, and much more, all based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). Anyone aged 16 or over can sign up at:

2. CALL Mental Health Listening Line
Provides confidential mental health listening & emotional support line, open 24/7. CALL also signposts to support in local communities and a range of online information. Call 0800132737, text “help” to 81066 or visit

3. Beat eating disorders helpline:
Beat provides helplines and information for adults and young people, offering a supportive environment to talk about eating disorders and how to get help. Call 0808 801 0677 or visit

4. Young Person’s Mental Health Toolkit
The Young Person’s Mental Health Toolkit links young people aged 11 to 25, to websites, apps, helplines, and more to build resilience. You can access the toolkit at

5. Activate Your Life
The “ACTivate your life” video course shares practical ways to cope with thoughts and feelings causing distress and help live life with more confidence. To start go to:

6. Mind Active Monitoring
Provides six weeks of guided self-help for anxiety, depression, self-esteem and more. To get started, talk to your GP, any other health professional, or sign up directly at

Take care
Barbara, Chair, Daring to Dream

Supporting the emotional health and wellbeing of patients in Wales

Daring to Dream’s mission is to support the emotional health and wellbeing of patients, aged 16 years and over, who are under the care of hospital clinics across Wales. It has a primary (but not exclusive) focus in supporting both ward-based and community-based patients within the geographical area covered by Cardiff & the Vale University Health Board.

This emotional demand of being chronically, seriously, or critically ill, is on top of the immense physical demands generated by the ill-health itself. For a patient to respond as well as possible on a physical level to their health challenges, it is essential that they also dig deep emotionally.

We aspire to help patients dare to dream that their life can still be full of colour and joy.